Remote Purchase Order for Sage 200
Remote Restaurant Purchase Order
This sheet can be prepopulated with regular items to be ordered, and sent out to subsidiary Restaurant’s for data entry.

The manager of each subsidiary Restaurant can then fill in their requirements and e-mail back to head office. All items with zero quantity will be ignored (Pro Feature). Back at HQ a user simply opens the sheet, in Excel, and presses Import button on the Posttrans Toolbar to import PO’s.
The Unit Price column, which can be deleted if not needed, specifies the unit price. If not specified then the prices are read from Sage 200 Stock Supplier Price List or Last Price depending on Sage 200 Supplier record settings. But of course, would be finalised later in the Purchase Order Process.
The PO can be printed or automatically e-mailed to the supplier via Outlook (Pro Feature). This functionality is controlled in the ‘Print’ Tab of the Setup window.
Extracting Products
The product lines can be manually entered, with the aid of PostTrans In-Cell Searching, or copied from the “Stock” sheet. The “Stock” sheet allows Stock And Preferred Supplier data to be extracted, using the PostTrans Extract button, from Sage 200. These can then be sorted, edit, or deleted, and pasted into the main order sheet, to enable fast remote data entry. The example data, which has been copied to the “Orders” sheet is shown in yellow.
see Sage 200 Supplier Prices Extract/Import for more info
To use the template, with Sage 200, install PostTrans. Download
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Before importing the Sheet should be in Account order. The “~1” on the end of Tag in cell B28 denotes PostTrans should sort by account code before importing the data.