
About Comtek Accounts Ltd

Comtek Accounts Ltd wrote PostTrans XL Importer back in 1998 for Exchequer Enterprise account package.

One of the major Sage Suppliers in the UK, who offered our solution for Exchequer Enterprise, kept asking us to write it for Sage Line 50 and 200. Saying the other offerings were “Half a solution”.

Thus PostTrans for Sage Line 50/200 was born.

Meet The Team

Our development and support team are:

  • Sam Smith


    Over 20 years’ experience working with Excel and MS Access VBA, and more recently working extensively in .NET technologies.  Plus a vast knowledge of accounting API’s and customisation.

  • Daphne Gardner

    Account/Support Manager

    Over 20 years’ experience of accounting software and PostTrans support..

  • James Lowe


    Experience of .NET web development, and MS SQL

  • Peter Pepperoni

    Testing and Development

    Peter spends so much time testing our software, and pizza, his gut is growing like his product knowledge… Extensive!.