Reimbursable Expenses
We have two options for handling Expenses and Milage:
1) Employee’s enter expenses in Excel sheet and submit to accounts
2) Employee’s enter expenses using an Android device, iPhone, or web page via ExpenseIn
3) Import Expenses into Project Accouting
Option 1 – Expenses captured in Excel Sheet

We provide a spread sheet, which is e-mailed to employee’s. The Employee simply fills in Mileage and Expenses, and e-mails back to the accounts department at the end of the month. This is shown above with Sage 50. Sage 200 would be the same principle.
The expenses are imported as Purchase Order, or Invoices in Sage, against employees, setup as suppliers.
More information about this import
Options 2 – Use ExpenseIn

ExpenseIn is a Mobile app, approved by HMRC (UK Based), which allows the capture of Expenses, Mileage and Time, all with an approval system, receipt scanning and real-time reporting.
ExpenseIn will export the Expenses and Mileage data to a format which is read by a PostTrans Template. This is then easily imported into Sage 50 or 200
Open an account with ExpenseIn
More information about this import