Sage 50 Payment with Order/Invoice
Payments can be posted with Single/Multiple orders or invoices, see example in next section.
Sales Invoice + Payment for Direct Debits payments
Payments can be imported as SIAT (SI with matching SR for Direct Debit payments), SA (On Account), SR (Sales Receipt) or PR transaction types, shown in the screenshot below. With optional currency using the PRO version of PostTrans. Simply press the Help button on the toolbar and search for 'payment" to list examples.
PostTrans can even post and match of Sales Receipts for matching Invoice already in the system. For Sales Receipts allocated to existing Invoices click here

The Transaction type 'SIAT' type, in cell C2, posts Invoices to Audit Trail and allocates matching Sales Receipts. The transaction type can be changed to SA, SR or PR.
Example: Posting Payment with Order
Example: Press Help, on the PostTrans toolbar, then select example “Posting Payment with Order” which is the example discussed below. You should also have read the "Importing Transactional Data" on the Training page for a basic understanding of PostTrans basics.
The following Tags map excel cells to the Sage Line 50 fields:

Simply open a blank Excel spreadsheet and press Import button. PostTrans will then offer you all of the import tags to create a new PostTrans template. Double click on the PostTrans tag Sage50Trans. A new Order template will be created, now add some data:

To specify the amount paid, Pay ref, Type and Nominal code, select cell D6, then Double click on Tag THAmtPrePaid, in the PostTrans Tags sidebar. Then add tags THPayRef, THPayType and THPayNom to give:

So we may now enter:

Cell C9, payment type, can be SA or SR depending on the transaction type.
If we now post this transaction we see:
Options in Setup >> Switches have two options to prevent the user posting it if UNDER or OVER paid.

PostTrans will then post a SR (Allocate Payment To Invoice) or SA (Post as Payment on Accounts) as appropriate.
Adding tag THAftWritePayRef displays the payment allocation ref after posting.
Please note that if the account has Settlement discount, if a payment is posted, then the settlement discount is ignored.
The following PostTrans tags allow the above functionality:
Tag Name
Data Type
Amount Prepaid. Option in 'Setup >> Switches’, can stop posting if UNDER or OVER paid
Payment Reference
Payment tax code else uses Account Default
Set External Ref
Payment Type (SR/SA)
Payment Bank Nominal
Writes back the reference of payment transaction
With data type Yes/No fields, if cell starts with 'y' or 'Y' is taken as TRUE
Where ^ denotes a Code Search field (Popup search window), delete ^ at end of tag, to turn off code search