Sage 50 VAT
PostTrans uses the Tax code assigned on the Sage 50 Product code, or if overridden on Customer/Supplier account record, uses the one specified in the account record.
You should also have read the "Importing Transactional Data" on the Training page for a basic understanding of PostTrans basics.
The default PostTrans Order record contains tag TLTaxAmount. This is populated with the VAT content of the line.

If tag TLTaxCode is added. Then tag TLTaxCode is populated with the default TAX code as discussed earlier.

The Tag TLTaxAmount contains the TAX, or VAT value, when the TLTaxCode, TLUnitPrice, TLQty, TLDiscValue or TLDiscPerc column values are changed by the user. Thus the Tag TLTaxAmount can be used to calculate the VAT content of the transaction.
Both tags TLTaxCode and TLTaxAmount, can be deleted if not required as PostTrans will do the calculations in the background.
If the user alters the TLTaxCode , then the VAT will be calculated at the new rate.
Sage 50 VAT calculation
Its worth noting that Sage 50 calculates VAT having deducted any settlement discount defined on the account record. This is taken in account on the TLTaxCode figure.
Sage 50 Manual VAT
You can override the VAT value by simply adding the tag TLTaxManAmount
Example: Press Help, on the PostTrans toolbar, then select example “Manual VAT” which is the example discussed below.

Pressing import button results in:

Note: This must be used with extreme caution, but if importing transactions from external source then it may be needed to overcome rounding issues.
The following PostTrans tags allow the above functionality:
Tag Name
Data Type
Quantity. PRO - If switch 'Iignore ZERO qty' ignores any lines with zero qty. This allows a long product list to be listed, and user simply edit a qty to book IN/OUT
Unit Price for each item. If cell is blank then PostTrans will lookup customer price on change of Qty, or adding a product. If option is on to override the price, in System setup >> Lookups >> Switches, then the customers price will overwrite any value already in cell, on change of Qty. Price will be after customer discount. PRO - If multi-currency is ON will be in account currency.
Tax Amount
Tax Code
Additional Discount Percent to be applied to TLUnitPrice, Value should be specified in TLDiscValue OR TLDiscPerc but not both cells. Note TLUnitPrice has already had any system discount applied on account record.
Additional Discount Value to be applied to TLUnitPrice, Value should be specified in TLDiscValue OR TLDiscPerc but not both cells. Note TLUnitPrice has already had any system discount applied on account record.
With data type Yes/No fields, if cell starts with 'y' or 'Y' is taken as TRUE
Where ^ denotes a Code Search field (Popup search window), delete ^ at end of tag, to turn off code search