Sage 50 Pricing
This article explains how PostTrans selects pricing from Sage 50.
Having selected the account, PostTrans will find the Customer/Supplier price from Sage 50, using the appropriate discounts and price specified in Sage just the same as enter manually in Sage.
From sage 50 2017 V24.1 - Unit Price can be negative.
Account Price List
Example: Press Help, on the PostTrans toolbar, then select example “Shows Customer Price List on header” which is the example discussed below. You should also have read the "Importing Transactional Data" on the Training page for a basic understanding of PostTrans basics.
For example, if we create the standard order entry template, and enter figures based on the demo data, KEY001 has a standard price of £20. But if we enter account ABS001, are on price band TRADEB, and thus receive 20% discount:

Over typing the TLUnitPrice columns (col E in above example) will allow the price to be overridden. The default template layout also has tag TLDiscPerc in column F, which allows extra discount % to be specified. Tag TLDiscValue allows value off TLUnitPrice.
On change of Qty, Unit price, Discount etc. PostTrans recalculates the price in associated lines
PostTrans flexibility allows the user to specify the minimum of Product code and Qty. PostTrans will look up all other values:

Thus we can import a file containing simply Product code and Qty, although very un-likely we would have such a file, it nether the less shows the power of PostTrans.
The following PostTrans tags allow the above functionality:
Tag Name
Data Type
Unit Price for each item. If cell is blank then PostTrans will lookup customer price on change of Qty, or adding a product. If option is on to override the price, in System setup >> Lookups >> Switches, then the customers price will overwrite any value already in cell, on change of Qty. Price will be after customer discount. PRO - If multi-currency is ON will be in account currency.
Quantity. PRO - If switch 'Iignore ZERO qty' ignores any lines with zero qty. This allows a long product list to be listed, and user simply edit a qty to book IN/OUT
Total Net value
Tax Amount
Tax Code
Additional Discount Percent to be applied to TLUnitPrice, Value should be specified in TLDiscValue OR TLDiscPerc but not both cells. Note TLUnitPrice has already had any system discount applied on account record.
Additional Discount Value to be applied to TLUnitPrice, Value should be specified in TLDiscValue OR TLDiscPerc but not both cells. Note TLUnitPrice has already had any system discount applied on account record.
With data type Yes/No fields, if cell starts with 'y' or 'Y' is taken as TRUE
Where ^ denotes a lookup field (Popup search), delete ^ at end of tag, to turn off lookup search