Sage 50/200 In Cell Searching
Often the user is required to enter a code while entering Sage 50/200 data in to a PostTrans template. PostTrans code search allows the user to easily search for that code, by simply entering the start of the code, and moving to the next cell using tab or enter key. If only one match exists then that value is used, otherwise all matches are shown for selection.
After selection the code is written back to the cell with it description.
CODE, Description
PostTrans strips the description off the contents of the cell as it imports the data.
On the header of the transaction, in Account if we type “A” and tab we see:

You can search in the description or name by simply prefixing you search with space. The space “Ltd” gives:

To see all codes available, simply press space and tab

Having performed a search in a name of description, the cached data will be stored, so on second, third search will be really fast.
This is great when looking for Products.
In the product cell we can type “48mb” tab to find a memory pack which has the word “48mb” in it.
Turn off all searching by Cell/Column
The Tag button, “Current Tag Properties” tab, gives access to window which helps turn ON/OFF In-Cell Searching:

Turn off all searching Globally
All tags ending in ^ have code search. To disable this function, simply delete the ^ from the end of the tag.
The searching within a transaction template, can be turned off in setup:

Other Reading
Postcode address lookup can also be provided, inn the delivery address, and all other address in a similar fashion.