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Troubleshooting – PostTrans Tab does not appear in Excel


I have installed PostTrans, with no errors, but when I start up Excel the PostTrans tab is not visible.


Review the following may help…

Disabled within Excel?

The “COM Add-in” may have been disabled in Excel.  To check this, simply go to “File >> Options”.


Then on the window that opens select “Add-ins”.  Now look down the list to see if the PostTrans COM Add-in is in the disabled or inactive section:


Should be shown as Active

PostTrans for Sage 200: This would be shown as PostTrans200

If it is not shown in the list at all follow the next section.

If it is shown as inactive, then Select “COM Add-ins” from the selection box at bottom of the window and press <kbd>Go</kbd>.  In here you can tick the PostTrans COM add-in to enable.

After closing the options windows, the PostTrans toolbar should be shown in Excel, else follow the next section.

Now Close Excel, and reopen to test it is enabled on start up.  If not then edit the following registry entry:

PostTrans for Sage 50:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Office > Excel > Addins > PostTrans.AddinModule

Edit LoadBehavior, and set to 3

PostTrans for Sage 200: 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Office > Excel > Addins > PostTrans200.AddinModule

Edit LoadBehavior, and set to 3


Check log files

When installed or “Start >> PostTrans for Sage xx” program group and select “Enable add in in Excel” is selected.   A wrapper around the PostTrans program is called to install PostTrans into Excel.

This creates a Log file in “USER\Documents\Add-in Express\adxregistrator.log” this can be checked for errors. 

When Excel is opened, another log file is updated in “USER\Documents\Add-in Express\adxloader.log” again can be checked for errors. 

Note: RESULT=0 is success

User does not have permissions on registry

All of the above logs showed no errors, but the PostTrans Tab failed to show.   It was found that the user does not have permission to the “Excel Add-in” folder in the Registry, and thus was not started in Excel.

PostTrans for Sage 50 is added to


PostTrans for Sage 200 is added to


Thus using regedit.exe, we see:


So go to “Start >> PostTrans for Sage xx” program group and select “Disable add in in Excel”

Go back to regedit, and press F5 to refresh the display

Now right click on the “Addins” folder and give user permission to folder:



So go to “Start >> PostTrans for Sage xx” program group and select “Enable add in in Excel”

Go back to regedit, and press F5 to refresh the display

You should now see:


Now start Excel and all should be well…

More Technical information

More technical information is available on How Office add-ins are registered and loaded and Troubleshooting add-in registration

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