
Customer Price List

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Filter Extracted Data
Training on Static Data
Supplier Price List

Import from Excel

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Nominal Journals
Remote Orders
Product/Stock Adjustments
Sales Receipts
Quick OrderPad

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Transaction from Manual Input

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Sage 50 : Import Price List Record (Pro Version)

To extract Customer data simply press Extract button, on the PostTrans Toolbar, this will allow you to extract Price List data from Sage 50.  You can also add filtering criteria in row 2.  

Price Import in Sage 200

Amending Price List Data

Having extracted data, the user can now simply edit the  Sage Price List data in Microsoft Excel, before re-importing it back to Sage 50.   Note only changed records will be updated in Sage.

Importing Price List Data

Simply add new lines to the spreadsheet from row 4 on-wards.  Then press Import button, on the PostTrans Toolbar, to import new Sage Customer records. 


The customer data can be extracted, using the Extract button, and optionally filtered.  see How to filter Sage 50 extracted data.

In Cell Search

The user can search for Nominal, Price List, Department codes by entering the start of the code. Or any part of name, see Code Search for more information.

Demonstration Video

   Sage Line 50 - Extract Customer Price List Data, Edit and Import
  0:00 Video Introduction
  1:05 Showing Pricing info in Sage Line 50
  1:45 Opening PostTrans example template
  3:30 Extracting Price from Sage Line 50
  6:00 Import Sage Line 50 Customer Pricing
  10:39 How to find more information and Training

Added Filtering for large set of data

   Sage 50 - Extract and Import Prices using PostTrans filters
  0:00 Introduction
  0:22 The Search Column
  0:48 Extract a Single Trader Price list
  1:16 Extract a Trader Price list from list of codes
  2:00 Extract Filter by Stock Code List
  2:20 Extract Filter by Stock Code List and Trader List
  2:48 Other Areas : Special Prices

   Sage 50 - Extract, Auto Filter and then Import Prices using PostTrans
  0:00 Introduction
  0:19 Extract All Price Data
  1:53 Apply Auto Filter
  2:00 Edit Prices and Import

Customer Price List Extract/Amend/Import

This PostTrans function allows the user to easily extract, amend, and import Sage 50 Product Price List data.

The cell A1 has a tag "Sage50priceList"Sage50priceListPrice to designate the type of import.  In this case Price List actual list, and Price List entries within the price list.  It uses a series of tags, placed in row 1, to identify the data to be processed, see below for list.  

These tags, listed in table below, can be easily added to a spreadsheet using the Tags button.  See Training for an explanation of this.

Price List Required fields

To Import/Extract/Amend SageLine50 Price List Data, the following Tags/Fields must be specified:

Cell A1 must equal "Sage50priceList" or Sage50priceListPrice 

CuCode is used to detect end of spreadsheet.  PostTrans will stop Importing/Amending, from row 4 on-wards, when this field is empty.




Tags for Price List:Customer Price Lists:TOP LEVEL

The following PostTrans tags can be used to extract/import Price List Records, which is the top level of Sage 50 price list system .

See Online Training for Static templates for a full explanation of tags, and how PostTrans reads them to define the Extract/Import template.

Tag Name

Data Type


Important Fields:


Text Req

Returns `POSTED` if Trans line has been posted and will be ignored if `POSTED` (required). Also reports errors/warnings in data row


Text Req

Contains CRC number to help PostTrans detect changes in current row.


Text 1

This cell is very important, as it allows PostTrans to let you know of any errors or warnings while importing. If data is extracted out of the system, then it will contain a number. This number is calculated so PostTrans can work out if you have changed


Text 8 EOF Req

Price list Code


Text 60

Description, this is converted to upper case by the Sage Software Toolkit



    In Cell Searching values in table CurrencyCode



if YES prices are calculated using Recalculate Prices button

Req = Field is required    EOF = End of file, Stop when no more values    

With data type Yes/No fields, if cell starts with 'y' or 'Y' is taken as TRUE

Where ^ denotes a In Cell Code Search, delete ^ at end of tag, to turn off code search

All Text fields are trimmed (spaces before) by default. Add ' to the end of the tag name to stop this.

Tags for Price List:Customer Prices

The following PostTrans tags can be used to extract/import Sage 50 Product Supplier Price Records .

See Online Training for Static templates for a full explanation of tags, and how PostTrans reads them to define the Extract/Import template.

Tag Name

Data Type


Important Fields:


Text Req

Returns `POSTED` if Trans line has been posted and will be ignored if `POSTED` (required). Also reports errors/warnings in data row


Text Req

Contains CRC number to help PostTrans detect changes in current row.


Text 1

This cell is very important, as it allows PostTrans to let you know of any errors or warnings while importing. If data is extracted out of the system, then it will contain a number. This number is calculated so PostTrans can work out if you have changed


Text 30

Search for Price record by entering Price List code or pasting list, at top of column, and pressing Extract button
    In Cell Searching values in table PriceListCode

Pricing Data:


Text 39 EOF Req

Price List Reference
    In Cell Searching values in table PriceListCode


Text 30 Req

Stock Code
    In Cell Searching values in table ProdCode


Integer Req

Price List Calculation Type (Default:Fixed)
        In Cell Searching values:Price Calc Method
                  0, Fixed Price
                  1, STD Sales Price
                  2, Disc%
                  3, DiscVal
                  4, Markup%Cost
                  5, MarkupValCost
                  6, PrecOnSTDSales


Double Req

Value or Percentage - depending on discount type

Associated Product Values:


Double Read

Product Cost (from stock record)


Double Read

Product Costwith discount (from stock record)


Double Read

Product Sales Price (from stock record)




Rounding Direction (Default:Round up)
        In Cell Searching values:Rounding Direction
                  0, Round up to
                  1, Nearest
                  2, Round Down to



Rounding Method (Default:To)
        In Cell Searching values:Round Method
                  0, To
                  1, Multiples of



Rounding Adjustment



Rounding To Decimal Places


Date Read

Date and time when the record was modified




Price stored for manually recalculated price lists


Date Read

Date and time when the record was created

Req = Field is required    EOF = End of file, Stop when no more values    

With data type Yes/No fields, if cell starts with 'y' or 'Y' is taken as TRUE

Where ^ denotes a In Cell Code Search, delete ^ at end of tag, to turn off code search

All Text fields are trimmed (spaces before) by default. Add ' to the end of the tag name to stop this.