Sage 50:Extract/Amend/Import Projects
All of the following functionality requires the Pro version of PostTrans.
PostTrans imports Projects, which could be manually entered with the assistance of in-cell
searching, using copy and paste,
imported from CSV file or extracted from
Sage 50 using the Extract button.
Import Project Records Features in Sage 50
Simply add new lines to the spreadsheet from row 30 on-wards. Then press Import button, on the PostTrans Toolbar, to import single or multiple Suppliers (Examples shown below).
Examples of importing Sage 50 Project Records

Project Import template for importing Projects into Sage 50
Demonstration Video
To be recorded but the same priciple as Customer Import.
To use the template, with Sage 50, install PostTrans. Download
Trial with Sage demo company. Purchase a month subscription for Live Sage Company. Price
Watch the On-line Training course on how to use and customise the templates.
Template Structure for Static Data
The template must have tag ‘Sage50proj’ in cell A1 to instruct PostTrans that we are interested in
Sage 50 Projects, and that the sheet is a PostTrans Template.
Pressing Import or Extract on a blank sheet will either open an existing
example or create basic template for you to customise.
Row 1 contains a series of tags, which denote to PostTrans the data to be read/written in each column. These tags, and data columns can be rearranged to
suit your needs, and the tags are added using the Tags button.
See on-line Training
Deleting the Tag name, in the cell, from this row removes the Sage 50
mapping. Table of Projects Tags
Hovering over these tags, in row 1, will show a comment which explains the tags purpose, data type and any other useful details.
Common Features
In-Cell Searching
Any Tag ending with ^ with have a in-cell search facility to look up associated values. Use SPACE + TAB to see all values, or SPACE and
TEXT to perform a text search on description.
These are returned to the cell as "CODE, DESCRIPTION". PostTrans
only uses the CODE and ignores the comma and anything after it, thus data from a field
would only need the CODE part of the data if from an external imported
In-cell Searching can be turned off by removing the ^ from the end of the tag name, or name in first line of comment (Header cells) to disable in-cell searching for a single column, or header cell.
All in-cell searching can be turned off in Setup. In-cell
Extracting the Data
The data extracted using the Extract button can be filtered, by entering criteria in row 2. Hover over cell A2 for instructions.
Extracting Data
Amending Projects Data
Having extracted data, the user can now simply edit the Projects in Microsoft Excel, before re-importing it back into
Sage 50.
PostTrans uses the tagged column PjCRC to detect changes in rows.
only records/rows which have changed since extraction are updated. If
you add or delete a tagged column, PostTrans will treat ALL rows as having
changed, and thus ALL records will be updated on next Import.
Importing the Data
Simply press the Import button to validate and import the data into
Sage 50.
PostTrans will read the Header cells and then process the rows of data until PjCode
column contains no data. The Sage Company imported into can be set in the Setup window.
PostTrans ONLY edits those fields listed on the sheet when importing, thus
any existing values, on a record, are unaffected. New records may
have default values for certain fields.
File Import Button
This can be enabled in Setup to easily import cvs, or fixed length files, into sheet for importation. Formula can also be added, or macros/VBA
to manipulate this data before importation. Import from CSV file.
Any values and associated codes will be invalid during import.
The cursor will be moved to highlight any problems in data.
Evaluation and License
This functionality will work with Sage Demo data without a license. A license is required to import into any other Sage Company.
What else can I do?
Other Sage 50 Extract/Import types
Frequently Asked Questions?
Got another question? It may well be covered on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Other Useful Topics
Clear Transaction and copy down formula
Not all these tags/columns are needed. The table below lists the required and recommended:
Tag Name
Data Type
Important Fields:
Text Req
Returns `POSTED` if Trans line has been posted and will be ignored if `POSTED` (required). Also reports errors/warnings in data row
Text Req
Contains CRC number to help PostTrans detect changes in current row.
This cell is very important, as it allows PostTrans to let you know of any errors or warnings while importing. If data is extracted out of the system, then it will contain a number. This number is calculated so PostTrans can work out if you have changed
Text 8
Search for Job/Template structure by entering code or pasting list, at top of column, and pressing Extract button. Will search for Project or Template if auto job number is on, else - CAPS LOCK is ON then searches for Project, if OFF then searches for Template. In Cell Searching values in table ProjectCode
Project Details:
Text 12 EOF Req XML
Project code
Text 255 Req XML
Project Name
Text 255 XML
Project Description
Date XML
Date the project starts
Date XML
Date the project ends
Text 15 Req XML
ProjectStatus Object In Cell Searching values in table ProjStatus
Customer Details:
Text 8 XML
Customer object In Cell Searching values in table CustCode
Text 30 XML
Project Order Number
Site Details:
Text 30 XML
Site Contact Name
Text 60 XML
Site Address Line 1
Text 60 XML
Site Address Line 2
Text 60 XML
Site Address Line 3
Text 60 XML
Site Address Line 4
Text 60 XML
Site Address Line 5
Text 30 XML
Telephone Number (misspelling of Property name is correct)
Text 30 XML
Fax Number
Text 255 XML
Project email address
Text 2 XML
Country Object In Cell Searching values in table CountryCode
Billing Totals:
Date Read
Last Billed Date
Total Billed
Currency Read
Billed Net
Currency Read
Billed VAT
Profit to date:
Currency Read
Profit to Date
Project Price Quoted
Currency Read
Outstanding to Bill
Analysis Types:
Text 30 XML
Project Analysis 1
Text 30 XML
Project Analysis 2
Text 30 XML
Project Analysis 3
Budget Totals:
Currency Read
Total Budget for the Project
Currency Read
The TotalBudget less the TotalCost
Cost Totals:
Date Read
Last Cost Date
Currency Read
Total Cost for the Project
Committed Cost
Req = Field is required EOF = End of file, Stop when no more values
XML = Un-attended PostTrans XML API for Sage 200
With data type Yes/No fields, if cell starts with 'y' or 'Y' is taken as TRUE
Where ^ denotes a In Cell Code Search, delete ^ at end of tag, to turn off code search
All Text fields are trimmed (spaces before) by default. Add ' to the end of the tag name to stop this.
Related Example Sheets
You can easily access the example sheets by pressing Help button, on the PostTrans Toolbar to access these related examples, or downloading them from the links below.
To use the template, with Sage 50, install PostTrans. Download
Trial with Sage demo company. Purchase a month subscription for Live Sage Company. Price
Watch the On-line Training course on how to use and customise the templates.