Sage 50:Import Quotation/Order/Invoice Import
This type of PostTrans import, imports Sales/Purchase Transactions, which can be input manually, data from an ODBC connection or
imported from CSV file.
Related Pages
Import Types/Features in Sage 50
Sage 50 Transaction Types
- SQ - Sales Quote
- SO - Sale Order, including with Payment
- SI - Sales Product/Service Invoice, including with Payment
- SIAT - Sales Invoice Audit Trail - Invoice to Audit Trail if THAmtPaid then posts an allocated Receipt
- SCAT - Sales Credit Audit Trail - Credit Note to Audit Trail
- SSC - Sales Service Credit Note (SI sets this automatically so use that)
- SSI - Sales Service Invoice
- SC - Sales Credit Note
- SR - Sales Reciept more about Payments
- SA - Payment on Account
- PO - Purchase Order with Authorisation
- PI - Purchase Batch Invoice
- PIA - Purchase Invoice and Adjust stock IN
- PC - Purchase Credit
- PR - Purchase Receipt more about Payments
- PA - Payment on Account
- BP - Bank Payment Cashbook Import
- BR - Bank Receipt
- CP - Cash Payment
- CR - Cash Receipt
- VP - Visa Credit Payment
- VR - Visa Credit Receipts
Can be Printed or automatically e-mailed to customers when posted
The transaction type is set, either on the Header of the import, or on the lines of the import. See examples below.
Invoices are imported into Sage 50 as a Service Invoice, if it contains no products, or a Product Invoice of it contains Product lines.Sage 50 Transaction Product Descriptions
Import Transaction Features in Sage 50
Simply add new lines to the spreadsheet from row 30 on-wards. Then press Import button, on the PostTrans Toolbar, to import single or multiple Sage 50 Quotes, Orders, or Invoice transactions (Examples shown below).
- Detailed conformation before transaction importation
- Print or e-mail Transaction after importation
- Highlighted Validation of codes and data
- Search for Account, Stock, Project, Nominal, using our In-Cell Searching
- Looks up, and fills in default values, including customer price from Matrix
- Add formula, vba or macros to manipulate the imported data
- Cannot Post Sage transaction twice. Writes POSTED in row, with transaction Ref generated.
- Can skip Zero Qty, and thus allows the creation of order pads Pro
- Chain posting, allows a second template to post, for Back to Back order Pro
- Press Extract to populate the sheet with product codes, and optionally sort by Category, to quickly create an Order Pad for fast Order entry Pro
- Can automatically add a line to account round differances in Line Total and Patment Totals
- Easily Add your own validation, using the THBefDisplayMessage tag
- Easy importation from CSV file
Examples of importing Sage 50 Transactions
Posting Single Transaction
Header values can be specified in the top portion of the PostTrans template, and/or in line items in rows 30 on-wards. The template structure detail is discussed in Template Structure (below this section).

Single Transaction Layout
After pressing the Import Button:

Conformation and Validation before Posting
The below is a screen shot of Sales Order template which is automatically generated after selecting this type of transaction, many of the fields are optional and are filled in automatically by PostTrans. Indeed the user need only enter Product Code and Quantity, all other fields are filled in by PostTrans, including the price to the customer.
Note: The delivery address, and credit information, is automatically populated after selecting the account code.

Default Single Transaction Layout
Formula, VBA and macros can be added to further enhance this data entry template.
The Path the Cursor takes can also be defined
Multiple Transactions
Multiple Transactions can be imported by adding the Header fields to the Tag row 28. These are easily inserted using the Tags button, see all tags listed at the bottom of page.

Multiple Transaction Layout
Indeed we can add tag "THTransType" to allow us to post different types of transactions:

Multiple Transaction Type Layout
In this configuration PostTrans forces a new transaction when Account code, Transaction date or Customer reference changes. Blank values are ignored, but would probably be repeated if brought in from a CSV file.
Indeed multiple companies can be imported into:

Multiple Transaction Layout
Formula, VBA and macros can be added to further enhance this data entry template.
The Path the Cursor takes can also be defined
Template Structure for Transaction Data
The template must have tag ‘Sage50Trans’ in the comment of cell A1 to instruct PostTrans that we are interested in importing Transactions, and that the sheet is a PostTrans Template. Pressing Import or Extract on a blank sheet will either open an existing example or create basic template for you to customise.

Cell A1 (Sage 50 Sales Order shown in this example)
The top section of this template contains Transaction header fields, in the case of a single transaction, or just transaction type of all multiples transactions list from row 30 onwards, see examples below:

Comments map to Sage fields (Sales Order in this example)
These Transaction header fields can be deleted if not required, or added by moving the cursor, to a cell in the header area, and pressing the Tag button. This will display a list of PostTrans Tags. A tag beginning with “TH”, denoting for use in a header, can then be inserted. Table of Sales/Purchase Transactions Tags
Row 28 contains a series of tags, which denote to PostTrans the data to be read/written in each column. These tags, and data columns can be rearranged to suite your needs, and the tags are added using the Tags button. Deleting the Tag name, in the cell, from this row removes the Sage 50 mapping.
Row 27 designates what will happen when the Clear button is pressed, see Clear Transaction and copy down formula

Row 28 defines the data in row 30 onwards
Hovering over these tags, and header cells will show a comment which explains the tags purpose, data type and any other useful details.
For importing multiple transactions, most header tags can be copied/moved to row 28, thus designating a column to set the header value.

Transaction Header fields added to Row 28
On-line Training video of how all this works
Common Features
In-Cell Searching
Any Tag ending with ^ will have a In-cell search facility to look up associated values. Use SPACE + TAB to see all values, or SPACE and
TEXT to perform a text search on description.
These are returned to the cell as "CODE, DESCRIPTION". PostTrans
only uses the CODE and ignores the comma and anything after it, thus data from a field
would only need the CODE part of the data if from an external imported
In-cell Searching can be turned off by removing the ^ from the end of the tag name, or name in first line of comment (Header cells) to disable in-cell searching for a single column, or header cell.
All in-cell searching can be turned off in Setup. In-cell
Cursor Path
The path the cursor takes through the sheet, when entering data manually, can also be easily defined in
Setup. See Set Cursor Path
Importing the Data
Simply press the Import button to validate and import the data into Sage 50.
PostTrans will read the Header cells and then process the rows of data until TLDesc
column contains no data. The Sage Company imported into can be set in the
Setup window.
PostTrans ONLY edits those fields listed on the sheet when importing, thus
any existing values, on a record, are unaffected. New records may
have default values for certain fields.
Any values and associated codes will be invalid during import.
The cursor will be moved to highlight any problems in data.
POSTED Document Ref
After Posting a transaction, PostTrans will write "POSTED:" and the
transaction reference number in column A (tag TLPosted). Lines marked as
"POSTED" are then ignored by PostTrans when re-posting. So, transactions cannot easily be posted twice.
So the transaction can not easily be posted twice. The user would
have to remove "POSTED" from column A in order to post the transaction
a second time. The user would have to remove "POSTED" from column A, to post the transaction a second time.
Confirmation before Posting Transaction
Just before posting the validated transaction, PostTrans will optionally show
a transaction summary for the user to validate. This can be turned
off in Setup window.
File Import Button
This can be enabled in Setup to easily import CSV, or fixed length files, into sheet for importation. Formula can also be added, or macros/VBA
to manipulate this data before importation. Import from CSV file.
Clear Button
The Clear button will clear all values on the sheet, according to the row
just above the tag row, and copy down any formula. Clear Transaction and copy down formula
Evaluation and License
This functionality will work with Sage Demo data without a license. A license is required to import into any other Sage Company.
A subscription be purchased, and cancel on-line at any time very easily.
Address Entry
Pro Feature: UK addresses can have Postcode look enabled for faster data entry. Postcode Address Lookup
Pro Feature: Transactions can be printed, or e-mailed, at the end of the import Printing - e-mailing Transactions. Ideal for order entry templates.
- PostTrans will lookup the customer price, but does not support the Sage 50 pricing rounding options.
- Does not apply the Sage Line 50 Additional Discount. But this can be calculated in sheet and posted using header Tag THAddDisc.
What else can I do?
Other Sage 50 Extract/Import types
Frequently Asked Questions?
Got another question? It may well be covered on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Demonstration Video
Since the functionality of this type of import is quite broad, the following Videos/Blog articles have videos showing it in action:
Importing a CSV file into Sage 50/200
0:00 |
Video Introduction |
1:25 |
Opening File Import Example |
2:00 |
Import Sales Orders into Sage 200 |
5:00 |
How to setup file import |
7:15 |
How to find more information and Training |
View the full article on this
Quick Sales Order Pad 1/2 using PostTrans in 30 seconds
0:00 |
Video Introduction |
1:10 |
Taking an order in 30 seconds |
2:08 |
Rewind for a slower explanation of process |
4:00 |
Adding another product to Order Pad |
6:50 |
Posting the Sales Order into Sage 50 |
8:00 |
How to find more information and Training |
View the full article on this
Inter-Company Transaction
It is easy to post Sage Line 50 Inter-Company Transactions, since you can either:
- Specify the Company Code on each line, in which case PostTrans will change company every time it sees a change in company. Example 1 in the following video.
- Specify the Company Code on the header to override the company set in system settings, then simply create the transaction on a separate sheet for each company, in THBefSWCompany, and post each individually. This can then be automated by specifying the Header tag THAftProcessSheet, to switch to named sheet and process after current. Example 2 in the following video.
Sage 50/200 Inter-Company Transfer within Excel
0:00 |
Video Introduction |
1:50 |
Posting SI/PI to 2 companies (Example 1) |
5:00 |
Prove the data has been imported into Sage 50 |
6:40 |
Posting 2 Nominal Journals to 2 companies |
7:30 |
Posting SO/PO into 2 companies using 2 sheets (Ex. 2) |
View the full article on this
Transactions Import Options
Transaction Import has the following options, which are accessible by pressing the Setup button on the toolbar:

Switches in Setup window
Option |
Description |
Header Options |
Turn off all Cell Lookups |
This option turns all in cell searching
more about Sage Line 50 Related Code Search |
Don't Post if over Credit Limit |
Check customer credit Balance before importing Order/Invoice |
Don't Post if Payment is UNDER PAID |
Used in conjunction with THAmtPrePaid for Payments with transaction
More about Sage Line 50 Payment with Order/Invoice |
Don't Post if Payment is OVER PAID |
Used in conjunction with THAmtPrePaid for Payments with transaction |
Use System Exchange Rate |
Use System Exchange Rate, when posting to an account with currency other than base. Else allow override using tag THExchange, and will warn if 10% variance from system. |
Update Ledger when posting to Invoices/Credits PRO |
If Sales Invoice then update ledger after posting Pro |
Line Options |
Read Product description from spreadsheet |
Read description from spreadsheet, otherwise get from stock record so user cannot alter it.
More about How Sage line 50 Descriptions are Imported |
Product Desc word wrap in Comment1/2 |
If read Product Description from sheet then allows for long description into Comment 1+2 for printing |
If no Product code Post Description S3, else S1 |
If no Product code then post Description to S3 with word wrap. Else use S1. Tax can of course be set using TLTaxCode or S1, S2 or S3 could be entered as products. |
DISCOUNT:Do NOT apply customer discount when selecting Product |
Just pull through standard price |
DISCOUNT:Post discount as Standard price-TLUnitPrice |
When importing a line with value using Inclusive of Tax, using Tag TLTotIncluOfTax, calculate line discount based on the Product Standard Price |
Qty : Allocate Product on Sales Order |
Allocate Stock on Sales Order when importing in to Sage 50 2015 V21 onwards |
Qty : Ignore 0 qty/hours Transactions |
This allows the template to have a predefined list of Products. Allowing the user to simply enter Qty against the required product lines required on Quote/Invoice/Order. This allows for the creation of Order Pads and Telesales data entry. Pro
More about How to create a Sage Line 50 quick order Pad |
Qty : Do NOT allow negative Product |
Check product to make sure will not go negative before import |
Allow zero sales price |
Allow zero sales price. If cell is Blank PostTrans will look-up price and write back to cell during import. Thus to look-up prices simply press import and press Cancel on summary window, and customer prices will be populated. |
with warning (allowed to continue) |
Display warning and allow to continue |
Project Costing : Enforce Job codes in Cells |
Enforce Project Costing code entry on transaction Pro |
with warning |
Display warning and allow to continue |
Summary |
Show Summary before posting transaction |
Turn ON/OFF Summary window. |
Show Nominal breakdown |
Show a breakdown of Nominal values |
Show Department breakdown |
Show a breakdown of Department values |
Show Project Costing breakdown |
Show a breakdown of Project Costing values |
Show Stock Code breakdown |
Show a breakdown of Stock values |
include Margin and cost |
Show Margin and Costs on summary window |
Post all silently as possible |
Turn on to suppress registration message, and status at end |
The above settings are stored in each sheet, Cell A1 Comment, where as most settings are stored per workbook

Confirmation window showing summary of transaction.
This would be turn off if importing a large number of lines from an external file.
In Cell Searching Options
After the user enters an account code PostTrans can perform the following:

Confirmation window showing summary of transaction.
Option |
Description |
After Selecting an Account |
Offer Delivery Addresses |
Offer delivery address for the account |
Don't write delivery Address in |
Normally after selecting an account, and delivery address, it is written to the delivery address. This turns it off, but still writes to header tags CUDelAdd1-5, and contact, allowing bespoke functionality. |
Show Memo |
Show customer/supplier memo before proceeding. Useful for better communication Pro |
Clear Transaction |
Will Clear Transaction lines before proceeding
More about Clear transaction copy formula |
After Selecting Stock on lines |
Explode Stock BOM |
Will expand BOM's and formula for price calculation. Pro
More about Expand BOM on Order |
And Indent Description |
Indent description when adding lines with 3 spaces |
Add a blank line after |
Add blank line on transaction |
Show free stock in search |
When searching for stock, show free stock level _Pro |
Show In Stock Qty in search |
When searching for stock, show Stock Qty level _Pro |
Show Qty on order in search |
When searching for stock, show Qty on Order _Pro |
Update TLUnitPrice on Qty Change |
If on the TLUnitPrice will update whenever the Qty changes. If OFF then PostTrans will write the TLUnitPrice if the cell is blank, thus user can overide th value. |
The above settings are stored in each sheet, in the comment in cell A1.
Not all of these tags/columns are needed. The table below lists the required and recommended:
Tag Name
Data Type
Important Fields:
Text Req
Returns `POSTED` if Trans line has been posted and will be ignored if `POSTED` (required). Also reports errors/warnings in data row
Text 30 XML
Product code. Not used on Service Type Transactions. In Cell Searching values in table ProdCodeNoDesc
Text 60 EOF XML
Product Description. PostTrans stops importing after finding 5 consecutive blank cells. How Descriptions are Imported
Double XML
Quantity, if Service Transaction then can be omitted, and lines with TLNett will have Qty 1. PRO – For Product Transactions - If switch 'ignore ZERO qty' ignores any lines with zero qty. This allows a long product list to be listed, and user simply edit a qty to book IN/OUT Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Currency XML
Unit Price for each item. If cell is blank then PostTrans will lookup customer price on change of Qty, or adding a product. If option is on to override the price, in System setup >> Lookups >> Switches, then the customers price will overwrite any value already in cell, on change of Qty. Price will be after customer discount. PRO - If multi-currency is ON will be in account currency. Unit Price Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Date XML
Due Date for Invoice, Delivery Date on Order, Expire Date on Quote. Overides the date set on Header in THDueDate
Financial Analysis:
Text 8 XML
Nominal Code, if not specified then uses default In Cell Searching values in table NomCode
Integer XML
Department, if not specified then uses default. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly In Cell Searching values in table DeptCode
Double XML
Sales:Additional Discount Value to be applied to TLUnitPrice, Value should be specified in TLDiscValue OR TLDiscTotValue OR TLDiscPerc but not both cells. Note TLUnitPrice has already had any system discount applied on account record. See discount section of this page Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Double XML
Sales:Additional Discount Value to be applied to Line, Value should be specified in TLDiscValue OR TLDiscTotValue OR TLDiscPerc but not both cells. Note TLUnitPrice has already had any system discount applied on account record. See discount section of this page Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Double XML
Sales:Additional Discount Percent to be applied to TLUnitPrice, Value should be specified in TLDiscValue OR TLDiscTotValue OR TLDiscPerc but not both cells. Note TLUnitPrice has already had any system discount applied on account record. Discount calculation Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Line Totals:
Currency Read
Total Net Price, TLQty * TLUnitPrice calculated with discount. Allows formula to total Transaction. PRO - If multi-currency is ON will be in account currency.
Currency Read
Total Cost Price, TLQty * PrCostPrice calculated with discount. Allows formula to cost Transaction to get Margin. PRO - If multi-currency is ON will be in account currency.
Currency Pro XML
Line Total inclusive of Tax. PostTrans will calculate Tax and Unit Price back from Inclusive Tax Total for Line given Qty and overcome rounding problems. Use THNetDiscount to account for discount. Best choice when importing data as reduces rounding problems
Text 60 XML
Comment1 on line. If system settings ‘Large Product Description word wrap in Comment1/2’ is ON and ‘Read Product description from spreadsheet’ then will word wrap Description into these fields How Descriptions are Imported
Text 60 XML
Text 60 XML
Project Ref
Text 60 XML
Line Information, N/A for PI/PC
Text 30 XML
Line Order Ref Text (only visible on SI/SO), ExtRef on PI/PC/SIAT/SA/SR/PR
Integer XML
Line Order Ref Number (only visible on SI/SO)
Currency XML
TTax Amount, per item, if calculated manually. Use with Caution as you are responsible for calculating Tax correctly. more about VAT
Currency XML
Tax Amount if calculated manually. Use with Caution as you are responsible for calculating Tax correctly. more about VAT
Integer XML
Tax Code. Will fill in default if blank. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly more about VAT In Cell Searching values in table TaxCode
Currency Read
Tax Amount. Calculated but not read as PostTrans will calculate this more about VAT
Stock price:
Currency Read Pro
Price in currency 1. Allows Order pad to list prices in Major currencies Sage 50 Quick Pad Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Currency Read Pro
Price in currency 2. Allows Order pad to list prices in Major currencies Sage 50 Quick Pad Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Currency Read Pro
Price in currency 3. Allows Order pad to list prices in Major currencies Sage 50 Quick Pad Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Currency Read Pro
Price in currency 4. Allows Order pad to list prices in Major currencies Sage 50 Quick Pad Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Currency Read Pro
Price in currency 5. Allows Order pad to list prices in Major currencies Sage 50 Quick Pad Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Product Info (Written Back):
Double Read
Product Cost Price, if TLNet has ^, then it will contain the Cost Price. PRO - If multi-currency is ON will be in account currency.
Double Read
Product Qty free, updated when stock code entered
Double Read
Product Qty In stock, updated when stock code entered
Double Read
Product Qty Allocated, updated when stock code entered
Double Read
Product Qty On Order, updated when stock code entered
Double Read
Quantity of stock at which new stock should be ordered.
Double Read
Product Qty ReOrder, updated when stock code entered
Text 16 Read
Product Location, updated when stock code entered
Text 16 Read
Product Supplier Part Number, updated when stock code entered
Other Product Info (Written Back):
Integer Read
Stock Category Number Lookup
Text 16 Read
Type of Stock
Text 8 Read
Nominal Code Lookup
Text 16 Read
Supplier`s Part Number Lookup
Text 8 Read
Supplier`s Account Reference Lookup
Text 60 Read
Custom Field 1 Lookup
Text 60 Read
Custom Field 2 Lookup
Text 60 Read
Custom Field 3 Lookup
Transaction Header:
Text 2 Head Chg XML
Transaction Type. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly. Must be specified on each line. In Cell Searching values:Transaction Type SQ, Sales Quote SO, Sales Order SI, Sales Invoice SIAT, Sales Invoice Audit Trail SCAT, Sales Credit Audit Trail SSC, Sales Service Credit Note SSI, Sales Service Invoice SC, Sales Credit Note SR, Sales Reciept SA, Payment on Account PO, Purchase Order PI, Purchase Batch Inv PR, Purchase Receipt PA, Payment on Account PIA, Purchase Inv + Adj IN PC, Purchase Credit BP, Bank Payment BR, Bank Receipt CP, Cash Payment CR, Cash Receipt VP, Visa Credit Payment VR, Visa Credit Receipts
Text 8 Head Chg XML
Transaction Account Code. Customer or Supplier depending on Transaction Type. In Cell Searching values in table THAccCode
Date Head Chg XML
Transaction Date
Date Head XML
Due Date for Delivery Date on Order, Expire Date on Quote. SO/PO only
Text 60 Head XML
Customer Account Name
Text 60 Head XML
Customer Address 1
Text 60 Head XML
Customer Address 2
Text 60 Head XML
Customer Address 3
Text 60 Head XML
Customer Address 4
Text 60 Head XML
Customer Postcode. If Postcode Search is enabled in ‘Setup >> Lookup >> Address Lookup’ then enter Space or Space + Postcode to search for an address. More about Postcode Address Lookup In Cell Searching values in table SimplyPostcode
Text 30 Head XML
Customer Contact Name
Text 30 Head XML
Customer/Supplier Telephone Number SO/PO only
Text 17
EORI no Sage V23 2017 onwards
Integer Head Pro XML
Currency, will be set after selecting an account, any prices then altered will be in that currency. In Cell Searching values in table CurrencyCode
Double Head Pro XML
Use System Exchange Rate, unless option changed in PostTrans system settins
Text 3 Head Read Pro
Currency Symbol
Text 3 Head Read Pro
Currency Code
Integer HeadOnly XML
Carriage Courier Number. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly Sage 50 Carriage Charge In Cell Searching values in table CourierCode
Text 30 HeadOnly XML
Consign Number More information
Currency HeadOnly XML
Carriage Net Amount, else value in Sage Line 50 SOP Settings More information Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Integer HeadOnly XML
Carriage Tax Code, else uses Account Default. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly More information In Cell Searching values in table TaxCode
Integer HeadOnly XML
Carriage Department, else value in Sage Line 50 SOP Settingst. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly More information In Cell Searching values in table DeptCode
Text 8 HeadOnly XML
Carriage Nominal Code, else value in Sage Line 50 SOP Settings More information In Cell Searching values in table NomCode
Text 8 Head XML
Footer - Global Overide Nominal Code In Cell Searching values in table NomCode
Integer Head XML
Footer - Overide Department In Cell Searching values in table DeptCode
Text 60 Head XML
Footer - Overide Details
Integer Head XML
Footer - Overide Tax Code. In Cell Searching values in table TaxCode
Header Delivery:
Text 60 Head XML
Delivery Address Name. Double click to change delivery address
Text 60 Head XML
Delivery Address Line 1. Double click to change delivery address
Text 60 Head XML
Delivery Address Line 2. Double click to change delivery address
Text 60 Head XML
Delivery Address Line 3. Double click to change delivery address
Text 60 Head XML
Delivery Address Line 4. Double click to change delivery address
Text 60 Head XML
Delivery Postcode. PRO -If Postcode Search is enabled in ‘Setup >> Lookup >> Address Lookup’ then enter Space or Space + Postcode to search for an address. More about Postcode Address Lookup In Cell Searching values in table SimplyPostcode
Text 255 Head
Delivery email address. PRO - Can be mapped it e-mail Quote/Invoice or Order. emailing Sage 50 transaction
Project (Pro):
Text 12 Pro XML
Project code where appropriate In Cell Searching values in table ProjectCode
Text 12 HeadOnly Pro XML
Project code where appropriate In Cell Searching values in table ProjectCode
Text 8 Pro XML
Cost Code on Transaction line In Cell Searching values in table ProjectCostCode
Text 8 HeadOnly Pro XML
Cost Code on Transaction line, but default can be set on header for greater flexability, where appropriate In Cell Searching values in table ProjectCostCode
Header Text:
Text 30 Head Chg XML
Customer`s Order Number
Text 7 Head Chg XML
Order Number can be set on SI
Text 60 Head XML
Details on PI
Text 9 Head XML
DUNS credit reference number
Text 60 Head XML
Notes 1
Text 60 Head XML
Notes 2
Text 60 Head XML
Notes 3
Text 60 Head XML
Sage Practice Solutions Reference
Text 60 Head XML
Order Taken By
Header Discount:
Currency Head XML
Net Discount Value applied to whole transaction, as shown at the bottom of Sage Line 50 Order. Apply discount to whole Order/Invoice
Text 60 HeadOnly XML
Net Discount Description. If used in lines then is the sum of values Sage 50 overal disocount
Header Payment:
Double Head XML
Amount Prepaid. Option in 'Setup >> Switches’, can stop posting if UNDER or OVER paid. If used in lines, then posts sum of all lines Sage 50 Payment with Transaction
Text 30 Head XML
Payment Reference more about with payment
Text 2 Head XML
Payment Type (PAR/SR/SA). SI or SO should be SA, Post as Type SIAT (SI to Audit Trail) fro SR allocation more about with payment Sage V21 2015 onwards In Cell Searching values:Payment Type PAR, Payment already received SR, Allocate Payment To Invoice SA, Post as Payment on Accounts
Integer Head XML
Payment Bank Nominal more about with payment In Cell Searching values in table NomCodeBank
Text Head XML
Transaction Analysis 1 Sage V22 2016 onwards
Text Head XML
Transaction Analysis 2 Sage V22 2016 onwards
Text Head XML
Transaction Analysis 3 Sage V22 2016 onwards
Header:Add Message:
Text HeadOnly
Add message at top of transaction using S3 Creating Message Top/Bottom
Text HeadOnly
Add message at bottom of transaction using S3 Message Top/Bottom
Text HeadOnly
Add message at bottom of transaction using S3 Message Top/Bottom
Line Special Functions:
If YES then skip this line
If YES then force a new transaction
Header Printing:
Text Head Pro
Email address to send to. Multiples and be expressed using “,”. If put on lines will then will email doc to address if print dialog is off Printing after posting a Sage Line 50 Order
Text HeadOnly
Email address to CC to. Multiples and be expressed using “,”. more info on printing
Text HeadOnly
Subject of email, which overrides that set in System >> Printing. more info on printing
Text HeadOnly
Body of email, which overrides that set in System >> Printing. more info on printing
Text HeadOnly
Add an attachment. Full Path. Multiples and be expressed using “,”. more info on printing
Text HeadOnly
Sage Line 50 layout file for printing. Enter SPACE to search display list of form layouts more info on printing In Cell Searching values in table FormLayout
Integer Head Pro
Print x copies to printer. 0 for no print. If put on lines will then will print doc if print dialog is off more info on printing
Currency Head
Round Transaction to this value by either adding a line to add value, or using overall discount
Text 8 Head
Rounding Nominal, if not specified then uses Sales Discount. In Cell Searching values in table NomCode
Integer Head
Rounding Depatment In Cell Searching values in table DeptCode
Header:Before Posting:
Text 6 Head Chg Pro
This will cause PostTrans to change company before posting if different from current Sage Line 50 Company. Thus can be user to post transactions into different companies, thus intercompany transactions are possible. It uses a 6 letter company code, which found by pressing the Select Company button in system setup. Must be specified in each row. Posting to multiple companies In Cell Searching values in table CompanySelect
Text 60 HeadOnly
If contains value, then this text is displayed, and import cannot take place until this text if clear. Thus you can your own formula, macro or VBA code to stop import until a certain condition. Validating Transaction before posting
Text 60 HeadOnly
If contains value, then this text is displayed. Asks Yes/No to continue Validating Transaction before posting
Header - After Posting:
Text 60 HeadOnly Read
After posting write back transaction reference to this cell
Text 60 HeadOnly Read
SOP After posting write back stock allocation status, Full, Part
Text 60 HeadOnly Read
Writes back the reference of payment transaction, if posting a SA on Sales Order
Text 60 HeadOnly Pro
After posting this sheet, switch to work book with this name, and post that. Allows back to back purchase orders, or multiple company transfers. PRO Posting into multiple Sage Companies
Text 60 HeadOnly Read Pro
After posting this sheet, switch to work book with this name PRO Posting into multiple Sage Companies
Header - After Save:
Text 60 HeadOnly Read Pro
If THAftSavePATH and THAftSaveFilename specified, will save as PATH + ‘\YYYMM\’ + Filename + "_0000.xls". YYYMM can be overridden with value in THSaveSubDirectory cell. Saving template after posting
Text 60 HeadOnly Read Pro
See THAftSavePATH more about saving
Text 60 HeadOnly Read Pro
See THAftSavePATH. Example ‘ABAP01’ will saveas ABAP01_0001.xls. more about saving
Import File:
Text 500 HeadOnly
Full PATH and Filename of the file just imported using the Import button. This is required if you set the directory to move file after posting transaction. File Import instructions
Text 500 HeadOnly
Filename of the file just imported using the Import button File Import instructions
After Account Selection:
Text 60 Read Rel
Account Name. PRO - Double clicking on this cell will drill down to Ledger.
Currency Read Rel
Balance. PRO - Double clicking on this cell will drill down to Ledger. Double click to view ledger Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Currency Read Rel
Outstanding over 30 days. PRO Double clicking on this cell will drill down to Ledger. Double click to view ledger Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Currency Read Rel
Available Credit. PRO Double clicking on this cell will drill down to Ledger. Double click to view ledger Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Currency Read Rel
Credit Limit. PRO - Double clicking on this cell will drill down to Ledger. Double click to view ledger Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Text Read Rel
Outstanding 30,60,90,120 day break down in text form. PRO Double clicking on this cell will drill down to Ledger. Double click to view ledger Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Registered Address:
Text 60 Read Rel
Account Address Line 1
Text 60 Read Rel
Account Address Line 2
Text 60 Read Rel
Account Address Line 3
Text 60 Read Rel
Account Address Line 4
Text 60 Read Rel
Account Postcode. More about Postcode Address Lookup In Cell Searching values in table SimplyPostcode
Text 2 Read Rel
Country Code Sage V22 2016 onwards In Cell Searching values in table CountryCode
Text 20 Read Rel
VAT Registration Number
Contact Information:
Text 30 Read Rel
Contact Name
Text 30 Read Rel
Name of Trade Contact
Text 30 Read Rel
Telephone Number
Text 30 Read Rel
Second Telephone Number
Text 30 Read Rel
Fax Number
Text 255 Read Rel
WWW Address
e-mail Settings:
Text 255 Read Rel
E-mail Address
Text 255 Read Rel
E-mail Address 2
Text 255 Read Rel
E-mail Address 3
Text 30 Read Rel
Analysis 1 Sage V22 2016 onwards
Text 30 Read Rel
Analysis 2 Sage V22 2016 onwards
Text 30 Read Rel
Analysis 3 Sage V22 2016 onwards
Double Read Rel
Discount Rate %
Text 8 Read Rel
Price List Reference In Cell Searching values in table PriceList
Text 8 Read Rel
Default Nominal Code In Cell Searching values in table NomCode
Integer Read Rel
Default Tax Code In Cell Searching values in table TaxCode
Integer Read Rel
Currency In Cell Searching values in table CurrencyCode
Text 2 Read Rel
Department Number In Cell Searching values in table DeptCode
Integer Read Rel
Payment Due Days
Text 30 Read Rel
Integer Read Rel
Account Status In Cell Searching values in table StatusCode
Yes/No- Read Rel
Terms Agreed Flag
Yes/No- Read Rel
Account On Hold
Memo Read Rel
Customer Notes
Text 60 Read Rel
Name of Account Manager
Delivery Address:
Text 60 Read Rel
Delivery Address Line 1
Text 60 Read Rel
Delivery Address Line 2
Text 60 Read Rel
Delivery Address Line 3
Text 60 Read Rel
Delivery Address Line 4
Text 60 Read Rel
Delivery Postcode Postcode Address Lookup
Text 30 Read Rel
Delivery Contact Name
Text 30 Read Rel
Delivery Fax Number
Text 60 Read Rel
Delivery Name
Text 30 Read Rel
Delivery Telephone Number
Post Extra Line 1:
Text 30 Head
Product code. Not used on Service Type Transactions. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table ProdCodeNoDesc
Text 60
Product Description. PostTrans stops importing after finding 5 consecutive blank cells. How Descriptions are Imported
Quantity For Extra Line (If obmitted set to 1) Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Unit Price for each item For Extra Line Unit Price Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Text 8
Nominal Code, if not specified then uses default from stock/account. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table NomCode
Department, if not specified then uses default. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table DeptCode
Tax Code. Will fill in default if blank. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly more about VAT In Cell Searching values in table TaxCode
Tax Amount if calculated manually. Use with Caution as you are responsible for calculating Tax correctly. For Extra Line more about VAT
Currency Pro
Line Total inclusive of Tax. Best choice when importing data as reduces rounding problems If main Product has Tax then uses the Tax Rate of Product record more about VAT
Post Extra Line 2:
Text 30 Head
Product code. Not used on Service Type Transactions. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table ProdCodeNoDesc
Text 60
Product Description. PostTrans stops importing after finding 5 consecutive blank cells. How Descriptions are Imported
Quantity For Extra Line (If obmitted set to 1) Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Unit Price for each item For Extra Line Unit Price Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Text 8
Nominal Code, if not specified then uses default from stock. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table NomCode
Department, if not specified then uses default. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table DeptCode
Tax Code. Will fill in default if blank. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly more about VAT In Cell Searching values in table TaxCode
Currency Pro
Tax Amount if calculated manually. Use with Caution as you are responsible for calculating Tax correctly. For Extra Line more about VAT
Line Total inclusive of Tax. Best choice when importing data as reduces rounding problems If main Product has Tax then uses the Tax Rate of Product record more about VAT
Post Extra Line 3:
Text 30 Head
Product code. Not used on Service Type Transactions. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table ProdCodeNoDesc
Text 60
Product Description. PostTrans stops importing after finding 5 consecutive blank cells. How Descriptions are Imported
Quantity For Extra Line (If obmitted set to 1) Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Unit Price for each item For Extra Line Unit Price Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Text 8
Nominal Code, if not specified then uses default from stock. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table NomCode
Department, if not specified then uses default. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table DeptCode
Tax Code. Will fill in default if blank. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly more about VAT In Cell Searching values in table TaxCode
Tax Amount if calculated manually. Use with Caution as you are responsible for calculating Tax correctly. For Extra Line more about VAT
Currency Pro
Line Total inclusive of Tax. Best choice when importing data as reduces rounding problems If main Product has Tax then uses the Tax Rate of Product record more about VAT
Post Extra Line 4:
Text 30 Head
Product code. Not used on Service Type Transactions. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table ProdCodeNoDesc
Text 60
Product Description. PostTrans stops importing after finding 5 consecutive blank cells. How Descriptions are Imported
Quantity For Extra Line (If obmitted set to 1) Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Unit Price for each item For Extra Line Unit Price Changes in this cell will recalc other cells. Delete ^ to disable this calculation.
Text 8
Nominal Code, if not specified then uses default from stock. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table NomCode
Department, if not specified then uses default. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly. For Extra Line In Cell Searching values in table DeptCode
Tax Code. Will fill in default if blank. Make sure the format of the cell is “General” else search may not work properly more about VAT In Cell Searching values in table TaxCode
Tax Amount if calculated manually. Use with Caution as you are responsible for calculating Tax correctly. For Extra Line more about VAT
Currency Pro
Line Total inclusive of Tax. Best choice when importing data as reduces rounding problems If main Product has Tax then uses the Tax Rate of Product record more about VAT
Integer XML
Charity Fund Number In Cell Searching values in table CharityCode
Req = Field is required EOF = End of file, Stop when no more values
XML = Un-attended PostTrans XML API for Sage 200
Head A header tag can be used in header section, before row 30, of the transaction template. Or in the rows data of data, below row 30, of the template like a traditional CSV importer.
With data type Yes/No fields, if cell starts with 'y' or 'Y' is taken as TRUE
Where ^ denotes a In Cell Code Search, delete ^ at end of tag, to turn off code search
All Text fields are trimmed (spaces before) by default. Add ' to the end of the tag name to stop this.
Related Example Sheets
You can easily access the example sheets by pressing Help button, on the PostTrans Toolbar to access these related examples, or downloading them from the links below.
To use the template, with Sage 50, install PostTrans. Download
Trial with Sage demo company. Purchase a month subscription for Live Sage Company. Price
Watch the On-line Training course on how to use and customise the templates.
Transaction - Sales:
Sales Order PAD Pro
Sheet:'Order PAD' Order Pad demonstation Main page for Posting to multiple Companies
Sales Order
Sheet:'SO' Sales Order demonstation Main page for Posting to multiple Companies Help article for Posting to multiple Companies
Sales Order with Payment
Sheet:'Payment' Posting a payment with an order Main page for Payment with Order/Invoice
Auto saving template after posting Pro
Sheet:'Saving' Save transaction to directory with account code Main page for Saving template after posting
Printing/e-mail Quote/Order after posting Pro
Sheet:'Printing' How to e-mail to specified user Main page for Printing Quote/Order
Sales Service Invoice
Sheet:'Service SSI' Sales Service Invoice demonstation Help article for Sales Service Invoice
Sales Service Credit Note
Sheet:'Service SSC' Sales Service Credit Note demonstation Help article for Sales Service Credit Note
Sales Receipts - Import Allocation by Referance (Extras Module)
Sheet:'Import Receipts' Import Sales Receipt and allocated to existing invoices
Sales Receipts - Manual Allocation (Extras Module)
Sheet:'Manual Receipts' Extracts Ourstanding Invoices, enter payment figures and referance, Import to create Sr and allocate
Transaction - Purchase:
Expenses + Mileage
Sheet:'Expense demo' Posting a Expenses + Mileage in as a Purchase invoice Main page for Help on this Sheet Help article for Help on this Sheet
Expenses iPhone/Android or Web via ExpenseIn
Sheet:'Import Expenses' Import expenses into Sage 50 via IPhone, Android etc. with authorisation Help article for Expenses iPhone/Android or Web via ExpenseIn
Remote Purchase Order
Sheet:'Orders' Purchase Order PAD for remote loactions to fill in, e-mail and import. Help article for Remote Purchase Order
Purchase Order
Sheet:'PO' Posting a Purchase Order Help article for Purchase Order
Purchase Order with Authorisation
Sheet:'PO Auth' Posting a Purchase Order with authorisation
Purchase Invoice Multiples + Job Costing
Sheet:'PI Multi' Posting a Purchase Invoice Help article for Purchase Invoice Multiples + Job Costing
Purchase Invoice with Project
Sheet:'PI' Posting a Purchase Invoice (Project in header) Help article for Purchase Invoice with Project
Purchase Invoice AND adjust stock IN
Sheet:'PIA' Posting a Purchase Invoice, and then Adjust stock in all in one operation
File Import CSV:Multiple Transactions from multiple files
Sheet:'Multiple Trans multi file' Shows how you can import Multiple Transactions in one sheet like a convesional CSV importer Main page for Importing from multiple files easily
Multiple Transactions Called from VBA Button
Sheet:'Multiple Trans' Shows how you can import Multiple Transactions in one sheet like a convesional CSV importer Main page for Importing from file easily
File Import CSV:Multiple Transactions
Sheet:'Multiple Trans' Shows how you can import Multiple Transactions in one sheet like a convesional CSV importer Main page for Importing from file easily Help article for Importing from file easily
Import File:Multiple Orders from CSV with Currency Pro
Sheet:'Order CSV with Currency Pro' Contains two sheets. The first imports three customers, and then an order for each customer in currencies. Demonstrates how to import files easily and importing multiple transactions in one sheet
Import File:Customer and Multiple Orders from CSV
Sheet:'Order CSV' Contains two sheets. The first imports three customers, and then an order for each customer. Demonstrates how to import files easily and importing multiple transactions in one sheet
Import File:Simple Multiple Orders from CSV
Sheet:'Simple Orders from CSV' Contains two sheets. The first imports three customers, and then an order for each customer in currencies. Demonstrates how to import files easily and importing multiple transactions in one sheet
PR with or without currency
Sheet:'PR' This imports Invoices PR transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
Cashbook Multi Company and Type
Sheet:'Cashbook Multi Company and Type' This imports Invoices Cashbook Multi Company and Type
SC Sales Credit with or without currency
Sheet:'SCAT' This imports Invoices SC transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
Import File:Direct Debit payments SI+SR with Currency
Sheet:'Direct Debit SI Paymen Currency' This imports Invoices SI with matching Recipts to Audit Trial with Currency
SR with or without currency
Sheet:'SR' This imports Invoices SR transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
Import File:Direct Debit payments SI+SR
Sheet:'Direct Debit SI with Payment' This imports Invoices SI with matching Recipts to Audit Trial
Import File:Orders from CSV with Payment, Rounding and Extra Lines
Sheet:'Order and payment CSV' This imports orders, and overcomes rounding issues with external system. It also shows how to add addition lines in each row.
SA with or without currency
Sheet:'SA' This imports Invoices SA transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
Import Multiple Invoices\Orders NO Print or Price Lookup
Sheet:'Simple Orders No lookups' Demos importing SI, Credits, Discount and Sales Orders. But after import e-mails the transaction or prints it
Import Multiple Invoices\Orders and e-mail/Print
Sheet:'Simple Orders email and Print' Demos importing SI, Credits, Discount and Sales Orders. But after import e-mails the transaction or prints it
Posting to Multiple Companies Multi Types Pro
Sheet:'Multi in one sheet' Inter-company transactions by posting to multiple companies Main page for Posting to multiple Companies
PA with or without currency
Sheet:'PA' This imports Invoices PA transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
Transaction - Sales/Purchase Design:
Posting Order in Currency Pro
Sheet:'Currency' How to post to different Currencies Main page for Posting Order in Currency
Message at Top and Bottom of transaction
Sheet:'Message' Adding a message at top and Bottom of transaction by specifying the header of Sage Line 50 Transaction Main page for Creating text message top/bottom of transacton
Copy formula down sheet
Sheet:'Margin' Copy formula down sheet, after pressing Clear button, and when populating transaction using the Extract button Main page for Clear transaction copy formula
Shows Customer Price List on header
Sheet:'PriceList' Adding a tag to header to show the name of the customer price list after selecting the account
Carriage Charge on Order
Sheet:'Carriage' How to specify Carriage Charge on an Order Main page for Specifying Carriage on an Order
Apply discount to whole transaction
Sheet:'Discount' How to apply discount to the whole Sagel Line 50 transaction Main page for Apply discount to whole transaction
Validating Transaction before posting
Sheet:'Validation' Stop PostTrans importing a transaction by using a formula to show message Main page for Validating before posting
Transaction - Inter Company Nominal in 1 sheet Pro
Transaction - Inter Company in 1 sheet Pro
Transaction - Inter Company in 2 sheets using SO/PO Pro
Sheet:'Sales' Post a Sales Order into one company and a matching Purchase Order in a second company
Transaction - Inter Company in 2 sheets using SI/PIA Pro
Sheet:'Sales' Post a Sales Invoice into one company and a matching PIA (Purchase Invoice and Stock Adjust IN) in a second company
BP Cashbook Bank Payment with or without currency
Sheet:'BP Bank Payment' This imports Invoices BP transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
BR Cashbook Bank Receipt with or without currency
Sheet:'BR Bank Receipt' This imports Invoices BR transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
VP Cashbook Visa Credit Payment with or without currency
Sheet:'VP Visa Payment' This imports Invoices VP transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
VR Cashbook Visa Credit Receipts with or without currency
Sheet:'VR Visa Credit' This imports Invoices VR transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
CP Cashbook Cash Payment with or without currency
Sheet:'CP Cash Payment' This imports Invoices CP transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
CR Cashbook Cash Receipt with or without currency
Sheet:'CR Cash Receipt' This imports Invoices CR transactions, optionally with currency, to Audit Trial
Transaction - Chaity:
Shows Customer Price List on header
Sheet:'Invoice' Importing an SI to Charitable Fund
Transaction - Product Adjustment:
Product Adjustment
Sheet:'Product ADJ' Product Adjustment sheet Main page for Product Adjustment Help article for Product Adjustment
Product Adjustment Goods OUT Simple (Code + Qty)
Sheet:'Product ADJ GO' Product Adjustment sheet with referance to SO for Goods Out Main page for Product Adjustment
Product Adjustment Simple (Code + Qty)
Sheet:'Product ADJ Simple' Product Adjustment sheet Main page for Product Adjustment