PostTrans XML for Sage 50/200 unattended Importation
PostTrans XML for Sage 50/200 monitors a directory, or an IMAPI e-mail address, looking for formatted XML to import. The XML can import Customers, Journals and Transactions. See:
PostTrans XML for Sage 50
PostTrans XML for Sage 200
PostTrans for Xero, Sage 50/200 and Importation within Excel
PostTrans for Xero, Sage 50/200 is an extremely powerful Excel Extract/Import utility to save time and money. Using its power you can reduce the time taken entering Quotes, Invoice, Orders to create quick and easy to OrderPads (demo below). PostTrans also helps maintain Stock/Products, Bill of Materials, Prices, Projects etc through manual input, CSV file, or bulk data edits easily by extracting the data from Xero, Sage 50/200, edit and import back into Xero, Sage 50/200 using the power of PostTrans.
PostTrans for Sage 50
PostTrans for Sage 200
PostTrans for Xero
Use the power of Excel using Excel formula, VLookups, Data Queries, Marcos or VBA to build on the exceptional power of PostTrans to delivery cost effective solutions for your business to quickly recoup on your investment. see customer comments.
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