
Static Data

Import Xero Static Data

PostTrans for Xero is an extremely powerful Excel Extract/Import utility.  Using its power you can reduce the time taken entering Quotes, Invoices, Orders, Product Items, Prices, etc  manually or from CSV file,   Use your own Excel formula, VLookups, Data Queries, Marcos or VBA to build on the exceptional Power of PostTrans to delivery cost effective solutions for your business and obtain a quick return on your investment.

Extract, Amend or Import Static Data

PostTrans for Xero will allow the user to Customer / SuppliersProductsNominals, etc.


While importing new or amended data PostTrans validate for any errors in the data.  This includes text which are too long or codes which are invalid.   This allows the user to correct the data, within Excel, before posting corrections back to Xero.

Common Uses


​Ideal for setting up system, general house keeping, keeping multiple Companies in Sync


Examples: Many examples are included for Xero with links to blog articles and videos which explain the functionality

Full Product Demo: Many of these pages show demo videos

Online Training: Two 30 minutes on-line training videos explain the basics for template design, and numerous blog articles explain specific areas.

Easy Install: PostTrans can be easily evaluated with Sage Demonstration data.  Download for Xero

Prices: Prices for Xero

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