
Static Data for Sage 50

Save time updating

Sage 50

Stock/Product Creation
Customer/Supplier Prices
Bill of Material
Project Creation
Location Bins

Sage 200

Simply extract, edit and import


Import from Excel

50 Trans

Nominal Journals
Remote Orders
Product/Stock Adjustments
Sales Receipts
Quick OrderPad

200 Trans

Transaction from Manual Input

Image Alt TextImage Alt Text

Multiple Transactions from CSV file


Solve the Puzzle?

Sage 50

Help on every type of import
Demo Video of all functionality
Loads of Examples included
Online Training
We can help too…

Sage 200

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Great Customer Satisfaction

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Full Trial with Demo Data
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From a £1 a day
Saving you hours

Simply extract, edit and import

Power of Excel

Sage 50

Quick Template Creation
Customise with:

Sage 200

To reach your goals quickly

Sage 200

Sage 200 Bins

Sage 200 Warehouse & Bins

Create Sage 200 Bins
Stock Take Bins
Move Bin Stock

Fast, cost effective, easy…

Image Alt TextImage Alt Text


200 Manufact.

Create BOM Stock Easily
Create Bill of Materials
Labour, Machine, Tools

Image Alt Text

Complex tasks quicker...

50 BOM

Project Accounting

200 Projects

Create Project Structure
Update Budgets
Simple Project Entry

Make life easier...

Image Alt Text50 Projects

Import Sage 50 Static Data

PostTrans for Sage 50 is an extremely powerful Excel Extract/Import utility.  Using its power you can reduce the time taken entering Quotes, Invoices, Orders, Stock/Products, Prices, etc  manually or from CSV file,   Use your own Excel formula, VLookups, Data Queries, Marcos or VBA to build on the exceptional Power of PostTrans to delivery cost effective solutions for your business and obtain a quick return on your investment.

Extract, Amend or Import Static Data

PostTrans for Sage 50 will allow the user to AssetCustomer / SuppliersProductsBOM's, Product CategoryPricesAlternative Stock CodesDepartmentsNominal Budgets, Projects, Nominals, Currency etc.


While importing new or amended data PostTrans validate for any errors in the data.  This includes text which are too long or codes which are invalid.   This allows the user to correct the data, within Excel, before posting corrections back to Sage 50.

Common Uses

Ideal for setting up system, general house keeping, supplier customer price changes, creating new products and editing bill of materials and other time saving routines.


Examples: Many examples are included for Sage 50 with links to blog articles and videos which explain the functionality

Full Product Demo: PostTrans for Sage 50 Full Demo at the comfort of your desk.

Online Training: Two 30 minutes on-line training videos explain the basics for template design, and numerous blog articles explain specific areas.

Easy Install: PostTrans can be easily evaluated with Sage Demonstration data.  Download for Sage 50

Prices: Prices for Sage 50

Any other questons?   Contact us with question

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